II G.M. Auschwitz. Miembro de las SS se enamora de una judía.

Publicado el 08/06/2012 por jjgnbf
Un miembro de las SS, Franz Wunsch se
enamora de una mujer judía eslovaca, prisionera en el campo de Auschwitz
y le ayuda para salvar a su hermana que también llegó deportada al
campo después que ella.
En el campo el también miembro de las SS,
Gerhard Arno Max Palitzsch con el rango de Hauptscharfürer de las SS (
equivalente a capitán ) no tuvo tanta suerte como Franz, después de
saberse que tuvo relaciones con una mujer judía se le sometió a un
consejo de guerra que le condenó al campo penal de Matzkau ( Gdansk,
Polonia ) y después enviado al frente del este donde murió en combate. (
Hungría 1944 )
El campo de Auschwitz era un enorme complejo de
campos que se dividían en : Auschwitz I Stammlager o campo principal ;
Auschwitz II Birkenau, también le llamaron el molino de huesos ;
Auschwitz III Monowitz buna donde la mayoría trabajó en las numerosas
empresas que allí se instalaron.
A su vez los tres campos se dividían
en 45 subcampos, hasta tal punto tenían una gran extensión que muchos
prisioneros no conocieron nunca otras zonas de Auschwitz
women inmates worked in "Canada," and it was one of the few
sought-after jobs in Auschwitz. They could grow their hair out and were
able to steal extra food from the belongings as they sorted through
them. Also, relationships between German guards and women prisoners
sometimes developed in Canada, although such relationships were strictly
against SS rules.
Helena Citrónová, a Slovakian Jew deported to Auschwitz in 1942, drew the attention of a SS guard named Franz Wunsch
Slovakian Jewish survivor
he came into the barracks where I was working, he threw me a note. I
destroyed it right there and then, but I did see the word 'love'—'I fell
in love with you.'
"I thought I'd rather be dead than be involved
with an SS man. For a long time afterwards there was just hatred. I
couldn't even look at him."
Helena's feelings for Wunsch, however,
changed over time, especially when her sister and her sister's children
arrived at Auschwitz Birkenau. Helena learned that they were to be sent
to the gas chamber and her SS admirer tried to help them.
"So he said
to me, 'Tell me quickly what your sister's name is before I'm too
late.' So I said, 'You won't be able to. She came with two little
children.' He replied, 'Children, that's different. Children can't live
here.' So he ran to the crematorium and found my sister."
Wunsch was able to save Helena's sister by saying she worked for him in
Canada, but he could do nothing for the children. Helena and her sister
survived Auschwitz, and although her relationship with Wunsch never
developed further, she did testify on his behalf years later at his war
crimes trial.
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